Big tents come in many different shapes, styles and color themes. Some have features of additional rooms or an outside storage area for additional gear. Many are inexpensive, so having a sleeping shelter that provides more room does not cost much more than purchasing a smaller version.
Regardless of where you are planning your trip, big camping tents can accommodate an entire family, with plenty of room to move around and sleep comfortably. Many are large enough that sleeping cots and any other outdoor sleeping gear can also be used inside, without feeling cramped. Products can be found at sporting goods stores and department stores. If you are not sure which model will suit your needs, looking through the many catalogs available may help you with this decision.
Kodiak makes hundreds of different products, for a variety of camping situations. The Wenzel Family Dome model provides 196 square feet of space, so everyone can have enough sleeping space. It includes a rear locker for storing additional items. The most unique feature of this product is its 86 inch height. This allows most adults to stand up while moving around inside.
Large family tents can include separate rooms and plenty of space for up to 8 people. The Paha Que Promontory model includes to rooms and 120 square feet of floor space. It features a divider, for two separate rooms. This is a great idea for providing some privacy and keeping gear organized. The floors extend up the walls to 3 inches, which is very useful in case of heavy rains.
Regardless of the model you select, a large tent is usually constructed of a waterproof nylon material. Many come with an additional roof covering. The size of windows and doors may be a consideration for some, while floor space and storage may be more desirable for others. When a large tent is required for camping, the purchase should be made with some thought as to needs and the terrain in which it will be used.
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